Bloom360 Learning Community is a 501 (c)(3) non-profit school in southeastern Wisconsin for children with neuro-diverse needs.

Strengthen Educational Program

Learners in the Strengthen Program are moving toward greater independence when provided with customized learning opportunities (tools, strategies, experiences, relationships, environments, etc.)

  • Social-emotional:
    • Learner may need sensory system support and co-regulating to help them begin to understand how they are feeling and how to express and work through those feeling.
  • Project-Based learning:
    • With support from Learning Guide (teacher), Learner engages in Project-Based Learning
    • Learning opportunities focus on building and expanding relationships and expanding a focus on the “how” and “why” to positively support problem solving.
    • Learner may come up with project ideas and may collaborate with Learning Guide to co-create the Project Plan.
  • Academics:
    • Academics focus on filling in the gaps in each subject area so the Learner moves forward with confidence and a solid foundation.
    • Learner is capable of working in a group of two to three Learners to one Learning Guide.
    • Learner beginning to develop the capacity to work with greater independence with support from Learning Guide.