Bloom360 Learning Community is a 501 (c)(3) non-profit school in southeastern Wisconsin for children with neuro-diverse needs.

Our Learners Belong!

Dr. Brené Brown defines belonging as “being part of something bigger but also having the courage to stand alone, and to belong to yourself above all else.” She makes the case that belonging is actually the opposite of fitting in! Fitting in means that we are changing ourselves to make other people like us. Fitting in means that we betray ourselves.
At Bloom360 we offer an inclusive community where trusted relationships are nurtured, and these relationships create and grow a deep sense of belonging for our learners, their families and our staff. Many of our Learners experience trauma, bullying and a deep sense of loneliness in past school environments which negatively impacts their social and emotional well-being as well as their ability to learn, grow and thrive.

One of our Learning Guides noted it best:
 “One thing I notice whenever I ask the Learners about their favorite thing about Bloom360 is, most of the time they say the people. The Learners say the Learning Guides and the Learners are their favorite because they became friends. The relationships here are unique. Each Learner has a different type of relationship with the other and they know what each other’s interests are and use that information in conversation.”

What Bloom360 parents are saying:
“Over the past year Bloom 360 has helped our family in so many ways, just to name a few they have helped my daughter regulate her system/emotions, which is so hard for even some adults. They help her learn in a way that is accessible and fun for her. And most of all they bring joy to our entire family because she comes home most of the time happy to have spent her day among people who know her and truly care.” – Bloom360 Parent 

“Regular communication and collaboration between home and school keep us on the same page with our learner’s educators. We are always made to feel like a valuable part of the “team.” To be able to send our learner to Bloom360 without worry is one of the greatest gifts we’ve ever received.”   – Bloom360 Parent


A sense of belonging is a basic human need for every person!